A lack of sleep can destroy a relationship. There are no two ways about it. It causes you to develop various negative traits that will strive to pull it apart rather than help you keep building a strong relationship.
It’s no secret that sleep deprivation stops you from functioning at your best. Do you know, however, the damage it does to your relationship? If not, here’s how and what you can do about the situation:
Your sense of humour suffers
The ability to make someone laugh is one of the most attractive qualities in a person. No one wants to be with someone serious all the time. Basically, you won’t be much fun around your partner ― or around anyone else for that matter.
Your emotions go haywire
Get ready for major overreactions, either by yourself or from your partner, if sleep is playing hard to get. A lack of sleep makes us react excessively to situations that, under other circumstances, wouldn’t trigger any stress. These reactions harm the relationship. Worst of all, we don’t even tend to notice our own behaviour. If you’ve got something serious to discuss, wait until the two of you have got a reasonable amount of rest before addressing the issue.
You’re ready for war
Okay, the war’s a bit strong, but expect more conflict within the relationship. When one partner gets less sleep than the other, they show more negative emotions and are generally less agreeable. You’re going to disagree. That’s only natural. Be aware of how your lack of sleep affects you, though, so that you can keep your emotions in check, rather than let the sleep deprivation exacerbate them.
Your decisions won’t be the best
Relationships require immense sensitivity. They’re also full of decisions for you to make. Can you make the best decisions when you’ve not had a sleep to back them up? Can you truly appreciate the consequences your decision might have? The likely answer is ‘No.’
You could become unattractive
Research has found that people who have less sleep may be less attractive to others. They seem to consider us less healthy, too, if we don’t have enough sleep enough. People desire attractive partners and equate their attractiveness with them being better partners. It isn’t necessarily the case that sleep-deprivation makes you a worse partner, but it’s definitely worth knowing.
How can you fix it?
You don’t want a lack of sleep to destroy a happy relationship. That would be both sad and disastrous. Your loved one doesn’t deserve the bad side of you, nor do you of them, so how can you fix things?
Discuss the pressures of the day
It’s not a competition to see who’s the most tired, and a little understanding will go a long way. Sit down and acknowledge each other’s tiredness, and then explain the different pressures you’re feeling during the day. Perhaps you’re a working mum, and it’s the pressures of balancing a job, motherhood and a relationship. Perhaps you’re the sole breadwinner in the family home, and you’re feeling the pressure of this responsibility. Talk about it all.
Try a sleep divorce
Believe it or not, sleep divorces are becoming a thing and not a bad one at that. Couples looking to compromise and save their relationship are starting to sleep in separate rooms, single beds and finding their relationship healthier. This is because both partners in the relationship feel rested and more open to compromise.
Find time to rest
Have you ever stopped to consider your daily routine? You might be cramming so much into your days, such as work or study or bringing up a child, that you might not even be making time for yourselves. Work out which activities are necessary and which are not, and replace them with some relaxation together.
Understand how a lack of sleep can affect your behaviour and then find ways to address the issue, and you can really keep your relationship fresh and happy. Patience, compromise and understanding will win the day, and your partner will remain as brilliant as the day you met them. Good times!