How to Survive a Sleepover Guide: 8 Tips for parents

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Survive a sleepover

All children are eager about having sleepovers with their friends, and who would blame them?

It offers an authentic experience of independence, shaping how they will cope on their own in the future. However, as a parent, do not be too easily persuaded if you feel like it will be too much hassle and stress for you.

Many parents have the ‘how hard can it be to have a sleepover’ attitude. So why would you take this careless view towards the sleepover?

It just adds unneeded pressure upon yourself. Do not let this happen. I cannot emphasise anymore how crucial the planning stage for a sleepover is.

You would be surprised how important it is to know the families and the routines their children need. As the unbelievably dissimilar nature could make their child uncomfortable in their new surroundings, this will vary in importance depending on the age of the kids you are looking after as older children adapt easier to new situations.

Sleepovers will always be taxing for you as parents, but there is always the factor that other parents will be more inclined to have their sleepovers, therefore, giving you a night of luxury without your kids.

An excellent way to limit the number of sleepovers you must hold is by making your son/daughter put most of the effort and planning to make the sleepover work, obviously under your guidance and supervision.

Step by step guide to a successful sleepover – How to Survive a Sleepover Guide

STEP 1: Choose the children whom you are inviting.
It is always best to keep the numbers to a minimum. So it’s easier to maintain control and always know the general whereabouts of the kids. It is also good to know their dietary needs and take a contact number if they become homesick.

STEP 2: Planning of the evening
Compromise with your child about the rules and activities, making sure it can still feel like a special occasion. Agree on a sleeping area that is away from where the games and activities are to be held. This will encourage some sleep when they finally get settled down in this area.

STEP 3: Organise Drop off and pick-up times.
Organised drop-off and pick-up times will help you better understand how long you must keep the children entertained and which meals you will need to provide.

STEP 4: Deciding on what food to have.
Usually requires being something relatively new which adds to the feel of the occasion.

Survive a sleepover, Children enjoying a movie with homemade popcorn in makeshift slumber pods.
Pictured: Children enjoying a movie with homemade popcorn in makeshift slumber pods.

STEP 5: Activities.
Make sure they are fully occupied and making the best use of the time and space they have.

STEP 6: Sort out the sleeping arrangements upon arrival.
Have a designated spot where each child will sleep. Therefore, all their belongings can be kept in one area. Also, set out a time curfew for going to sleep, which they will inevitably go past, but it’s an early test of their sense of responsibility.

STEP 7: Breakfast.
Chances are they will not be quite as lively as they were the night before, as with a lack of sleep, there will most likely be an apparent lack of energy, meaning they will need to be well-fed to help them get through the day.

STEP 8: Tidy up.
Make sure your child helps contribute towards cleaning the house. You are making it easier for them to understand the hard work that goes into a sleepover.

Some sleepovers can feel unorganised and chaotic a lot of the time, but if you follow these steps, your sleepover should be as successful as a sleepover can be.

One thing to bear in mind is the adverse effects on the children’s abilities to concentrate in the days preceding the sleepover. However, you cannot let something such as a sleepover negatively impact your child’s school attendance and concentration that week, as this would betray your trust for letting them have such a special occasion.

5 top tips for stress-free school summer holiday sleepovers

“Please can I have a sleepover, pleeeaase”, I think these are the words every parent/carer will come to dread, especially with the summer holidays approaching, but they don’t have to be as stressful as you might think.

Here are just a few tips to make your child’s sleepover as bearable as possible:

The first thing to be mindful of is quite a basic but Important factor – are they ready? The average age for a child’s first sleepover would be around 7 – 8 years of age but every child is different so some could be earlier and some later. Only you will know if they would be happy and comfortable hosting a sleepover.

Start small, just one friend, if it is the first time, is a good idea.

Communication is so important. Liaise with other parents so everybody has contact details, dietary requirements/allergies, medications and any other relevant information required to put the adults at ease before you even start. Suggest each child bring a familiar item such as a teddy or favourite blanket for familiarity. Lay down the basic ground rules from the start, nothing too strict but having a lights-out time isn’t a bad idea, I mean, we know they will be up whispering in the dark much beyond that but it’s a time to start winding down at least.

Encourage your child to plan the night as much as you dare allow. Choosing a couple of favourite games and picking out a movie (nothing too scary unless you want a bunch of hysterical kids by the end of it!) without too much interference from boring old parents will make it feel like an achievement. Taking lots of photos is a nice idea so they have some great memories to look back on.

Try to find out what the expected guests like to eat so you can keep it simple by choosing food all the little guests will enjoy. You can’t usually go far wrong with making your own style of food. Set up a pizza station and let them get creative, hot dogs usually go down well with most or build your own wraps can be great and even a tinier bit healthier (if you sneak a bit of salad in) without being less fun.

Try not to let them go too crazy on desserts or you will have a bunch of super hyped-up kids on your hands!

Be prepared for the next morning, you will, hopefully, have already arranged a nice early pickup time with the other parents so not long now!

Make sure you have a nice simple breakfast like cereal and toast or ready-made pastries if you want it to feel a bit fancier.

These kids will be tired and grumpy so try to be patient, grit your teeth and be glad it’s nearly over, until the next one at least.

While for parents it can all feel quite stressful, try to bear in mind your kid is super excited about the sleepover so just try to relax into it and have fun.

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